We’re so grateful to you for reading and sharing our blog posts! Wondering what other people loved this year? Check out our most-read blogs of 2018. Whether you’re struggling with addiction, love someone who is, you’re a physician, or you just want to learn more, we hope you find some hope and guidance here.
1. 6 Signs Your Roommate Has a Problem with Alcohol
Living with a roommate is challenging enough, but it becomes even more so when that roommate has a problem with alcohol. Alcoholism affects far more than the person suffering with the addiction. It extends into relationships, responsibilities, and every other area of that person’s life. Still, it can be hard to recognize whether your roommate’s drinking has turned into alcoholism. This is especially true if the two of you casually drink together. Understanding whether your roommate has an alcohol problem means paying close attention to their behavior. This post provides six behavioral clues to watch out for. Once you have a better idea of whether your roommate has an alcohol problem, you’re in a better position to help. Show empathy and compassion, and then refer them to a professional treatment center. For more tips on how to do this effectively and the benefits of helping them get help, read on.
READ MORE: https://www.washburnhouse.com/drunk-roommate/
2. 8 Things to Be Thankful for As a Person in Recovery & Why Gratitude Matters
When you’re recovering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, it can feel like all is lost. Maybe you hit rock bottom before realizing you needed help, and now you’re in the process of rebuilding your life. This article emphasizes why it can be hard to adopt an ‘attitude of gratitude’ in addiction recovery. It also showcases the incredible benefits of doing so. Gratitude flips your focus from inward to outward, changing your perspective. Our post introduces you to one of the most powerful ways you can practice gratitude: keeping a gratitude journal. Many drug and alcohol treatment centers, including Washburn House, use this technique to help clients develop a more positive mindset.
READ MORE: https://www.washburnhouse.com/gratitude-in-recovery/
3. Be Part of Your Community: 6 Ways to Volunteer in Worcester, MA
There are plenty of great reasons to volunteer. It does great things for your community, and it can help you stay sober! This inspiring article from our blog provides all the reasons you should consider volunteering. Then we give a list of local organizations near Worcester where you can donate your time and make a difference. Whether you’re interested in teaching, coaching, mentoring kids, being a companion for a hospice patient, or even cuddling cats, there’s something for you! Whichever way you give back to your community, you can be confident you’re doing good for others and yourself.
READ MORE: https://www.washburnhouse.com/volunteer-opportunities-in-worcester-ma/
4. Drug Use in College: What’s Used and How to Avoid It
This blog post is for the college-student-to-be or the parent of one. It covers what may lead a student to experiment with drugs and paints a picture of what substance use looks like on college campuses today. You’ll find resources available to students trying to get or stay sober. Many colleges have their own counselors or sober communities. If yours doesn’t, look into a treatment facility, like Washburn House, outside campus for support. In this post we offer tips to get you ready to practice the skills you need to stay sober in college. It doesn’t mean giving up any of the things you expect or deserve from a great college experience! Follow these tips, and enjoy this exciting time in your life without placing your health and future in jeopardy.
READ MORE: https://www.washburnhouse.com/drug-use-in-college/
5. 4 Boundaries You Can Set to Help Your Addicted Loved One
When someone you love is addicted to alcohol or drugs, the toll is heavy. Addiction changes a person in ways that are scary and often heartbreaking, and you want to do everything you can to help them. But helping can turn into enabling. Enabling harms your loved one and your own well-being and fosters an unhealthy relationship. If you take care of yourself by setting firm boundaries, you’ll be in a better position to help the person you love. This post gives examples of boundaries you should set to do just that.
READ MORE: https://www.washburnhouse.com/examples-of-boundaries-for-addicts/
In 2019 our plan isn’t changing: We’re going to keep working for people struggling with substance use and keep writing about it too! If you or someone you know wants to speak with someone about getting addiction treatment, call Washburn House at 800-717-3019 for a free confidential assessment or to seek treatment.