Opioid Addiction Treatment Center

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group of people have a serious discussion in an opioid addiction treatment centerOpioids are a class of drugs which can easily become drugs of abuse. Some opioids are illegal, such as heroin. Others are legal medications. Some, like fentanyl, are used in hospitals. Others are prescription opioids used for pain management. These include:

Oxycodone (known as “oxy”)

  • Hydrocodone (known as “hydro”)
  • Codeine
  • Morphine

Opioids are highly addictive because of the feelings of euphoria, or “high,” they produce. This leads to a need for an opioid addiction treatment center.

How Do I Know I’m Addicted to Opioids?

If you’re dependent on opioids, you’ll see the effects in your behavior, your thinking, and your physical health. Your family and friends might notice these changes before you do and say something to you or start to behave differently around you.

If you were prescribed an opioid by a doctor and are not taking it according to directions, you’re misusing it and may have a problem. If you were not prescribed the medication and were sold the drug or it was given to you, you are also at risk of being addicted. You may have cravings—intense urges to use the drug that feel impossible to resist.

One telltale symptom of addiction to these drugs is depression. This is because opioids produce endorphins, or hormones which make you feel good. When you take them for too long, your brain will be less able to make its own endorphins. Then you’ll become dependent on opioids to provide endorphins, rather than making them yourself.

Other common signs and symptoms include:

  • Poor coordination
  • Sleeping more or less than usual
  • Irritability
  • Heightened anxiety or other mental health symptoms
  • Poor decision-making

What Are My Options at the Opioid Addiction Treatment Center at Washburn House?

Every person’s recovery from opioids looks different. At Washburn House in Worcester, MA, you have many options for opioid addiction treatment. We’ll work with you to create an effective substance abuse treatment plan that’s right for you.

Depending on how advanced your addiction is, you may need to detox under medical care. Our experienced medical professionals will know whether this should be the first step in your recovery. If it is, our Medically Monitored Detox program is the right place for you. Medical and mental health professionals will guide you through the process of detoxification, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. You’ll have a team of doctors, nurses, and clinical staff on hand to treat you.

Following detox, you have several options to choose from, and we’ll help you make the choice that’s right for your individual needs and opioid addiction:

  • Inpatient Rehab Center – Our inpatient program harnesses the power of group therapy in our residential treatment facility. It also includes frequent individual therapy and access to healthcare professionals.
  • Day Treatment (partial hospitalization program) – This is similar to inpatient drug rehab but isn’t residential. You’ll live at home or in our extended care, sober-living environment in Worcester, MA.
  • Intensive Outpatient Rehab Center – IOP teaches you to use a network of support to live a sober life within your community.

Every opioid addiction is different, so opioid addiction treatment is individual as well. Whether you need to detox or not, our clinical team can help you decide which program is right for you. Give us a call at 855.298.3104, and we’ll be happy to talk with you about an individualized course of treatment to get you sober and back to your life.

What Is Detox from Opioids Like?

Detoxing from opioids is difficult. It can be more difficult than other substances because prolonged use of drugs like heroin, oxys, and hydros changes your brain’s chemistry. Your body comes to physically need the drug. Without it, you may experience opioid withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Intense cravings

These symptoms will make it difficult to go without your drug of choice, but they also make detox from opioids dangerous. You should never suddenly stop taking the drug without medical supervision.

Unlike detoxing from some drugs, there are medications available to manage opioid withdrawal. Methadone and buprenorphine help wean you off the drug to reduce your opioid dependence over time and may be included in your treatment plans. Our health professionals at our opioid addiction treatment center in Worcester, Massachusetts will know how best to help you through detox.

Does Washburn House Offer Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is an option for everyone who comes through Washburn House with an opioid addiction. If MAT is right for your recovery, our healthcare professionals will help you find the correct dosage of FDA-approved medications. But your journey will also include behavioral therapy. This ensures you’re treated as a whole and leave Washburn House with the skills you need to stay free of opioids.

What Happens When I Get to Washburn House with an Opioid Addiction?

You have many options for an opioid addiction treatment program in Worcester, MA, each with their own potential benefits. No matter what, you can count on having support from a community of peers and from caring, empathetic professionals. You won’t be judged here, and your individual preferences and input are heard.

Our admissions team will work with you to determine the type of care you need and create a treatment plan. Upon your arrival, you will be given a pre-screening assessment to determine which level of care is best for you. We’ll give you plenty of information on our recovery programs, along with our recommendation for what level of treatment is best for your situation.

How Long Does Recovery from an Opioids Addiction Take?

The length of the detox process depends on the type of opioids you use, how much you use, and how long you’ve been taking the drug. Withdrawal symptoms like agitation and anxiety begin within 30 hours. More severe symptoms, such as stomach cramps and diarrhea, begin within 72 hours and can last around a week.

How long your entire course of treatment lasts also depends on the type of opioids you use, how much you use, and how long you’ve been taking the drug. It’s different for each person. Your opioid addiction treatment program in Worcester, Massachusetts will be tailored to you. Talking to us about your needs is the best way to get a feel for how long you’ll be with us. It’s important to note that recovery is a lifelong process. Having a support system, like outpatient care, and knowing your triggers are things you can rely on forever.

What Happens When I Leave Washburn House?

You will not leave Washburn House unprepared. At the core of every program we offer is support and building up a system of sober supports around you. This means being part of ongoing therapy, support groups, and having a comprehensive relapse prevention plan. This plan will detail the specific ways you will cope with triggers to use opioids again.

Washburn House will work with you to secure resources in the community, such as outpatient therapy and 12-step groups. You will leave with all the resources you need.

What If I Still Need to Take Pills for Pain Management?

This is an understandable concern if you were prescribed opioids for pain management and abused them. We’ll prepare you with options for facing this conflict.

Remember, there is no shame in your addiction. Your healthcare provider will thank you for letting them know you’ve had a problem with prescription opioids in the past.

There are also medications for pain management that do not contain opiates. Extended-release opioids do not produce a “high” feeling and may be your best option. Your pain is still important and should never be minimized because of a past addiction.

A life without addiction is just around the corner. Whether you abused prescribed opioids or others, we can help you free yourself. Call us today at 855.298.3104 to begin your recovery journey.

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