man hugging wife for support while Quarantined with an Alcoholic Spouse

Quarantined with an Alcoholic Spouse

Being quarantined with an alcoholic spouse can be difficult during the coronavirus pandemic for several reasons. One of the primary challenges is isolation, which is associated with the nature of the quarantine as well as alcohol abuse.

Human connection helps those suffering from alcohol addiction stay sober. So the lack of human connection available during quarantine makes self-isolation particularly challenging for those suffering from alcohol abuse.

But there is help available even during the pandemic.

Virtual Meetings Can Help When Quarantined with an Alcoholic Spouse

In the current environment featuring social distancing, quarantine, and face masks, the virtual world can make things a bit more bearable. Thanks to the Internet, people can still communicate with others. And this ability can be extremely beneficial for those in addiction recovery during quarantine.

With alcohol-support meetings canceled, quarantined alcoholics can turn to digital support. Online meetings are possible through Google Hangouts, Zoom, or conference calls. People suffering from alcohol and substance abuse can gain support through phone, social media, and email as well.

Virtual meetings are extremely valuable when physical contact is not advised. And online meetings are a lot like in-person meetings. Although separated physically, every member of the group can feel calm and with purpose. Through Zoom meetings, recovering alcoholics have time and space to get away from the grim reality of quarantine.

Throughout the U.S., many people have a lot of time to fill. Some are at risk of turning to alcohol. If you are quarantined with an alcoholic spouse, you must be looking for options that can keep loved ones from turning to alcohol. There are various options available that can make all the difference.

How to Prevent Relapse While Quarantined

You can help your alcoholic spouse by following these tips:

1. Fill in Empty Time Slots with Productive Activities

Self-isolation can ruin your recovering spouse’s wellness routine. And as it disrupts the routine that helps your spouse stay sober, it also disrupts their emotional stability. Helping your spouse create a new wellness routine that’s COVID-friendly is one way to avoid relapse.

Fill their free time doing activities that contribute to their recovery. Some of the healthy activities your spouse can do to pass their time include:

  • Art
  • Journaling
  • Reading
  • Exercise
  • Learning a new language
  • Gardening

Even calling a friend is an excellent way to distract your spouse from the loneliness or frustration of their current situation.

2. Remember Their Triggers

As mentioned, isolation is one of the biggest triggers behind alcoholism. With the imposed self-isolation, recovering alcoholics have to deal with its ill effects. There are ways to combat these adverse effects, but it starts with knowing your spouse’s triggers.

The following common triggers associated with alcoholism include:

  • Isolation or loneliness
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Fear
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Chronic pain
  • Financial insecurity
  • Strained relationships

And other triggers to keep in mind are the resurfacing of traumatic memories or the death of a loved one. Knowing your spouse’s triggers can help you protect them from turning to their old habits of alcohol use.

3. Help Them Stay Accountable

Accountability is crucial when you stay quarantined with an alcoholic spouse. It’s great that they aren’t completely alone with you there for support. Being alone is extra hard for an alcoholic, which makes your presence through quarantine so valuable. Your spouse will be much less inclined to turn to alcohol with you sharing the ordeal with them.

You Can Get Through It

Another family member, their therapist or counselor, or a friend are important influences. Having someone they can talk to will give your spouse the support they need. With awareness, constant communication, accountability, and planning, you can make sure your spouse can succeed during the current pandemic.

If you are quarantined with an alcoholic spouse close to relapse, don’t hesitate to contact Washburn House at 855.298.3104 for a treatment program that is right for you.

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