Mental Health Treatment Center in Worcester, Massachusetts

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If you are suffering from a mental health issue, then it may be triggering your addiction to drugs or alcohol. The mental health treatment center at Washburn House offers trusted treatment for substance abuse and mental health conditions. You can get the help you need for your condition with dual diagnosis treatment in Massachusetts.

We offer comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction while addressing your mental health issues. Through therapy, we can help you address any underlying emotional trauma and mental health conditions you are suffering from. Our goal is to get you on the road to long-term recovery.

Treatment Services We Provide

Woman learning about her mental health treatment centerWashburn House treatment specialists are trained to help you with co-occurring disorders through a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. Our mental health treatment center in Worcester Massachusetts includes a range of treatments, such as:

Each of our services is designed to target your particular mental disorder so that you get the treatment you need. We can meet with you to identify your condition and put together a treatment plan for long-term success.

Our Approach to Treatment

We offer a multi-layered approach to recovery that addresses all of your needs. Your treatment may need to begin with detox. During detox, your body can flush the toxins out of your system while physically healing. This will lead to withdrawal symptoms. However, we can monitor your progress 24/7 to ensure that you are safe.

Once you complete detox, we will go over all of your treatment options. Your program will include both evidence-based treatment and holistic therapy. That way, you receive more well-rounded treatment. Your plan may consist of both individual and group sessions, as well as family therapy, if necessary.

Once you have completed your initial treatment plan, you may want to consider long-term extended care. You will have the opportunity to build life skills and get back on your feet in all areas of your life.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Massachusetts

If you have both a mental disorder and an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then you have co-occurring disorders. Dual diagnosis allows us to identify your disorders and then provide the appropriate addiction treatment. If you have a mental illness, then it may be triggering your addiction. Also, your addiction may be making your mental disorder even worse.

For instance, if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, then you may be using drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. You may even get a prescription from a doctor to for anxiety medication. However, if you use a substance long enough, you will form a dependency on the drug.

Some examples of co-occurring disorders may include:

  • Depression and cocaine addiction
  • Anxiety with long-term Xanax dependency
  • Bipolar disorder and alcoholism

Your therapist can help you identify your disorder and then work out the right treatment plan. The goal is to give you a long-term recovery so that you do not relapse back into addiction.

Contact Our Mental Health Treatment Center Today

If you are suffering from mental health issues, then treatment is available from Washburn House. We can help you overcome your addiction while managing your disorder through our mental health treatment center. To find out more, call us at 855.298.3104. Your road to recovery begins at Washburn House.

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