woman leaning on man at the beach wondering Is My Loved One an Alcoholic

Is My Loved One an Alcoholic?

Figuring Out if Your Loved One Is an Alcoholic

Alcohol abuse is a frightening prospect, as it can lead to many medical and behavioral problems for your loved ones. If you find yourself asking “Is my loved one an alcoholic,” you’re in a difficult situation. Look out for these red flags that may indicate that they are abusing alcohol and need an alcohol rehab center.

Looking for Signs of Alcoholism

Alcohol getting in the way of their daily life, or otherwise being the centerpiece of their life, is an incredibly concerning sign. Your loved one may plan their day around frequently getting access to alcohol or become irate if they are unable to get a drink. They may miss deadlines, appointments, and other significant events because of a hangover or being too drunk to drive.

When they go to social events with alcohol, see how much and how often they’re drinking, compared to others at the party. Alcoholics frequently drink for longer periods than their peers. They also focus on whether alcohol is available at each party. If it’s not available during an activity, your loved one may skip out on it with an excuse.

Does your loved one need a drink “to relax” every day or after stressful situations? Their body may be dependent on getting alcohol in their system to maintain their mental calm. Over time, they may need greater quantities of alcohol, or higher proofs, in order to achieve the same feeling of getting drunk. At this point, an alcohol detox program can ease uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms to decrease tolerance levels.

Treatment Options for Alcohol Dependence

If you’re asking yourself, is my loved one an alcoholic, getting professional help is an important step to support them on their path to sober living. Quitting cold turkey is not something that an alcoholic should do, as it can be fatal due to the level of dependence that the body develops for alcohol. Here are several treatment options:

  • Medical detox is often the first step in this process. Your loved one will be weaned off of alcohol and given medications to support them during the withdrawal process. They can safely and effectively stop alcohol consumption so they can begin recovering.
  • Inpatient alcohol abuse treatment is a program that takes place at the rehab facility. Your loved one would live at the rehab center during the program and receive 24/7 care and guidance. They are not able to access alcohol and have many types of support to help them treat underlying issues that have led to alcohol abuse.
  • Day treatment programs allow your loved one to get help with their alcohol addiction while returning home the same day. This option works well if they need to balance work and their family life with their recovery. It’s important to limit access to alcohol at home so that temptations are not readily at hand.
  • Multiple addiction therapy program options help your loved one understand why they’re turning to alcohol. These programs include traditional therapy options, along with yoga and music therapy. As they get the supportive therapy they need, they come out of the program being healthier and happier.

Your loved one may go through a transition program that places them in an extended care environment. They can live in a sober environment while getting ready to go from rehab back into their everyday life. This transition period allows your loved one to develop coping mechanisms and habits that will last for a lifetime.

Find Help for the Question, “Is My Loved One an Alcoholic?”

No matter what program they go through, it’s always difficult to ask, is my loved one an alcoholic. We can answer your questions and assist you with getting your loved one started in the alcohol abuse treatment program. Contact Washburn House at 855.298.3104 to learn more.

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